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Comportamiento reproductor en Lycosa tarantula

Resumen del artículo publicado en Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2003.Fernández-Montraveta C. & Cuadrado M. 2003. Timing and patterns of mating in a free-ranging population of Lycosa tarantula (Araneae, Lycosidae) from central Spain. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81, 552-555. 

Abstract We analyse the timing and patterns of mating in a free-ranging population of Lycosa tarantula (Araneae, Lycosidae) in central Spain monitored during a whole reproductive period. The population showed a polygamous mating system. However, the frequency of multiple mating was relatively low. Reproductive success of males was highly skewed as few males monopolised most copulations recorded. Males matured slightly before than females but male and female maturation mainly overlapped. Mortality of subadult spiders was independent o n their sex, and operational sex ratio was 1:1. Early maturation of females resulted in a higher number of visiting males but not a higher mating success, suggesting the possibility of female mate choice in this species.
